Power View – Using MDX, SSAS Tabular and Power View to display potential issues based on past trends in data

What I am going to explain below is using the above MDX, SSAS Tabular and Power View to display potential issues based on past trends within our data.   For our example we are going to using the example of SCOM data. Within our example we are looking for systems where the available memory has dropped more than 50% of…

SCOM (Systems Center Operations Manager) Cube and Data warehouse

What I have done is I have found that it is very handy having all our SCOM data in a data warehouse and then having it in a SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services). Within the zip file which can be located here below it has all the details for the following: ·         SCOM Data Warehouse and OLAP Documentation.docx o   This…

Data warehousing – Bringing down data twice but avoiding deleting on the data warehouse Fact Table

This is better explained with our example below.   Example: ·         We had a situation where we were getting data down, but due to the nature of the data we were getting is we were missing data. ·         Also another note was the fact that we did not store the granular data, but aggregated the data, so due to this…

SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) Tabular – Error when Processing – OLE DB or ODBC error: Server: The operation was cancelled by the user ..

The above error is caused when processing an SSAS Tabular database.   NOTE:This only applies to when using MDX and an SSAS OLAP Cube to get your data into SSAS Tabular. NOTE 2:The reason that I use MDX and the SSAS OLAP Cube to get data in is for 2 reasons. ·         The first is that as we know it…

SSRS–Creating reports using Custom MDX or DAX to query SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Cube both OLAP and Tabular (Not using the Wizard)

By default in SSRS you can query an SSAS Cube, but this is by using the drag and drop functionality. The issue with this is that it has quite a few limitations. One of the biggest limitations that I found is that you cannot use your own Custom MDX to create your data set. NOTE: You can use the same…

DAX Function error – An argument of function ‘LEFT’ has the wrong data type or has an invalid value

Today I was working in SSAS Tabular Mode for SQL Server 2012. What my goal was, was to remove version numbers from Products. This was so that instead of having the following below in a report: Microsoft .Net Framework 1.x Microsoft .Net Framework 2.x Microsoft .Net Framework 3.x Microsoft .Net Framework 4.x I would have one name instead: Microsoft .Net…