BI-RoundUp – Power BI (On-Premise Sept Update – Developer update for Sept – Congrats to What-If Winners – Custom Connectors in Action – Timeline Storyteller custom visual contest)
There have been quite a few updates in the past week, so please find all the related updates below, of which there have been quite a few! Power BI – On-Premise Sept Update In this month’s update for the On-Premise Gateway they have added support in the Personal mode for national clouds. There has also been a great improvement in…
BI-RoundUp – Power BI (Power BI World User Group Tour – On-Premise Gateway Update for July 2017 – Featured Data Stories for May and June – Certified Custom Visuals and why it Matters)
After last week there was not any updates worth blogging about, so here is this weeks updates.
Power BI – Configuring SharePoint/Folder refreshing using On-Premise Gateway
I had a requirement to connect and refresh their files stored in SharePoint On-Premise using the On-Premise Gateway. And are the steps that you can follow in order to connect to files stored within SharePoint On-Premise or files stored in Folders. In my working example below I am going to connect to a SharePoint Folder. You can apply the same steps for a…
Power BI – On-Premise Gateway Configuration steps to an Oracle Database
I was recently working in an environment where the requirement was to connect to an Oracle database using the On-Premise Gateway, so that we could either DirectQuery or import the data and then refresh it using the On-Premise Gateway. So the steps below detail how to complete this successfully. The example below was connecting to an Oracle databased called TRID