BI-NSIGHT Power BI Sweet IQ , Summer Release – SSIS Feature Pack for Azure – Excel 2016 New Chart Options (Treemap, Sunburst, Histogram, Box & Whisker, Waterfall)
Well this week there were some updates and fortunately not too many so where we go! Power BI – Sweet IQ This week, there was yet another release of a content pack for Power BI, this time it was relating to a company called Sweet IQ. They position themselves as provider that can leverage your local search and increase your…
BI-NSIGHT – SQL 2016 Preview (CTP2) – SSAS Partition Manager – Power BI Quickbooks Connector – Excel 2016 Updates
What started out as a rather quiet week in terms of news and what is going on within the Microsoft space, when I started going through my daily routine today there was some pleasant updates! SQL Server 2016 Preview (CTP2) After the Microsoft Ignite conference it was announced if I can remember correctly that there would be a SQL 2016…
BI-NSIGHT – Excel 2016 – Power BI Updates (Including new Data Sources) – Azure SQL Data Warehouse
So after last week, and the annual Microsoft Ignite conference, there was a whole stack of product announcements and updates. This was really great to see, and it once again amazes me how quickly Microsoft is able to get this to market. And being a Microsoft BI enthusiast, it excites me. I mean who does not like to play with…