Power BI – Free vs Pro Infographic
I have been active on the Power BI Community Page for quite some time, and what I have often seen is people not quite sure what options are free and what options require a Pro license. So here is my infographic in which I have put down which options are free and which options will require a Pro license. I…
Power Query – Adding Parameters within a piece of text
Below is where I had a situation where I wanted to put in a parameter within a piece of text. This was so that I could then dynamically change the Month Version for my budget and when I refreshed my data it would then use my specific Month Version. This was due to the requirement being that they wanted the ability to…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Microsoft Flow & Power BI, Webinar How Microsoft Handles Power BI)
I have no doubt that as the year moves closer to the end of the year there will be slightly less news and updates. But with that being said here are this weeks updates. Power BI – Microsoft Flow and Power BI I have been personally looking at Microsoft Flow lately and it can really automate many tasks, as well…
Power BI Quick Tip – Using Parameters in Power Query Filters
I have been working lately quite a bit in Power Query and having to shape and re-create data based on the requirements. They had a requirement to make the data dynamic and immediately the Parameters in Power BI came to mind to create the solution. Now as we know using Parameters in Power BI has a lot of advantages. But one quick…
Power BI Service – How to disable Analyze in Excel (Disable Users from Downloading any data from Power BI)
I was recently looking how to help out in the Power BI Community where there was a question around how to disable users from having the ability to disable Analyze in Excel in the Power BI Service. This could be a very valid situation where you do not want users the ability to export or download any data from the…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Mobile Apps Update, Custom Visual Tool Development Update, Dynamic Security Cheat Sheet, JavaScript API, Infer Content Pack) – Microsoft Flow (Available to Everyone) – SQL Server Analysis Services 2016 (Tabular Editor)
Another great week in the world of BI. Power BI – Mobile Apps Update for August 2016 Another month goes by and some more updates, this time from the Mobile Apps team. In this update they have done quite a lot of work with regards to the ability to do manual refreshing of your data in iOS if you have…
Create Dynamic Periods for Fiscal or Calendar Dates in Power BI
I came across Chris Webb’s excellent post (Creating Current Day, Week, Month And Year Reports In Power BI Using Bidirectional Cross-Filtering And M) in which he demonstrated how to leverage the Bi-Directional filtering in Power BI. Chris goes into great detail to explain how he goes about creating the functions, tables and how it all pieces together. This got me…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Secure and Audit Power BI, Data Driven Parameters, Snowflake Data Connector) – Excel (Get & Transform Updates / Power Query Updates)
Here are the BI updates for this week. Power BI – Secure and Audit Power BI One of the questions that is regularly asked with regards to Power BI is around how secure the data is. And along with that is how do people gain access. This new update goes a long way not only to make Power BI more…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Desktop Update for August, R Showcase, Content Pack Certification Program Overview, Power BI Publisher for Excel Update) – OkViz (Sparkline Visual)
Here is another week of BI news and information. Power BI – Desktop Update for August This month there is another great list of updates in Power BI Desktop. As I have done previously I will highlight what I personally think are great updates. Report View Updates There have been quite a few updates in the report view. The ability…
Power BI – Creating Dashboard Items that show MTD (Month to Date), or WTD (Week to Date), or YTD (Year to Date) dynamically changing based on your current period
I have been working quite a lot with Power BI, and one of the great features is Q&A So what if you wanted to create a dashboard item that would always show you your sales for the current month (MTD), or current week (WTD) or current Year (YTD)? And always show the correct current period, without you having to go…