Getting the lineage from a Power BI dataset to table to data source to original query
As often happens blog posts originate from a customer requesting something I have not figured out before. In this example the requirement was to be able to determine which data sources were being used by which tables, which were then associated to one or many Power BI datsets. While I was working through this I figured out I could take…
How to use the Power BI DAX Debug Output when testing EvaluateAndLog
I have seen a few great blog posts with regards to the new DAX function EvaluateAndLog which can be used to show/debug what happens with DAX Measures. When I tried this out myself one of the challenges I had was where to download DaxDebugOutput, and then how to use it with Power BI Desktop. In this blog post I will…
Emailing Power BI Query output as a CSV Files using Power Automate
I recently had a requirement from a customer where they wanted a list of all Customers and the Primary Contact to be emailed to them every day. The reason for this to be emailed daily is to ensure that when calling the customer, they know whom to speak to. This got me thinking and I could use Power Automate to…
Power BI App audiences with AAD Security Groups
With the recent announcement (Announcing Public Preview of Multiple Audiences for Power BI Apps | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI) it is now possible to create multiple audiences in a single App Workspace. What this means you can now have a single app workspace but create a view for specific users (each view is known as an…
Checking your Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User licenses could save you money!
I recently was assisting a customer with their Power BI licensing and what I found is that in some instances they were having licenses for Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium Per User. By going through their licenses and assigning the correct license I was able to save the customer approximately 20% on their Power BI licensing costs per…
How to add External (B2B) users’ access to Power BI reports
I was recently doing some testing and when I went to share a Power BI report with an external (B2B) user I could not initially find out how to do this. NOTE: I had already created my External (B2B) users, you can follow this guide below if you still need to create the external (B2B) users: Distribute content to external…
Power BI Error – Culture Name ‘en-XX” is not valid or is not supported
I was recently working with an overseas customer and when I tried to open the PBIX file I got the following error “Culture Name ‘en-IL” is not valid or is not supported” This is the error as shown below. When I saw the error, I thought that this might be related to the different language settings between my PC and…
Creating a group with all values (Even if not in the data) in Power BI
Recently I was working on a client’s requirement where they wanted to group the data into groups! Typically, when grouping data together it will have multiple ranges to group the data into. NOTE: As far as I am aware what I am going to explain and do below is not currently supported. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP OF…
Using an IN Condition for multiple values in Power Query (Power BI)
In the example I did not want to specify all the country names one row at a time. This not only takes a long time, but if I had to then make updates it could be painful too. The requirement was for certain countries to have their names and the rest be grouped into “Other Countries” I found this useful…
ALM Toolkit would not open (When using External Tools from Power BI Desktop)
I recently got a new laptop and I had to install all my programs again. Everything was going as expected, except when I went to use ALM Toolkit, the program would not open. I would click on ALM Toolkit, I would see it open for a few seconds in task manager and then it would disappear. That led me down…