BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Data Insights Summit 2017, Integrate Reports into SharePoint, Dual KPI, Featured Data Stories, Apply Filters to your report per User, Grid Custom Visual)
There have been some really great updates coming out especially from the Power BI team in the past week. So let’s get into it. Power BI – Data Insights Summit 2017 I can remember that the Data Insights Summit of 2016 was a great success and heard some great content and really deep dive information was shared at the summit….
Power BI – Getting your report to always filter this month’s data dynamically
I had a requirement where I needed to have the capability to set the filter once on a report for the current month and then it dynamically move as each month progresses. I will show how I completed this in the steps below. NOTE: As with almost all Power BI Models, this is going to be leveraging off my Date table…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (February Desktop Update, iOS Mobile App with Q&A, Dual KPI Custom Visual, PowerApps Common Data Service) – Excel (Get & Transform Updates for January)
I had to re-write this, as I had a suspicion that the Power BI Desktop would be released soon and here it is, along with other updates. Power BI – February Desktop Update This Power BI Desktop update is here, and I have to say that there are some awesome additions and new improvements. So I will highlight below what…
Power BI – Why creating columns in the Query Editor is better, quicker and more efficient than creating Calculated Columns.
I have been reading and helping out where I can on the Power BI Community forums. And what I often see is people trying to use the Calculated Columns in the Power BI Desktop Model. So in this blog post below I am going to explain why it is better, quicker and more efficient to use the Query Editor to create additional columns….
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (January Service Update, Push data to Power BI Streaming, Mobile Apps update Jan 2017)
I cannot believe that is already February which means that really soon there should be the next Power BI Desktop release. Here are this week’s updates, which I hope you will find informative. Power BI – January Service Update There are quite a few service updates this month with some of them being more for the monitoring and administration of…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Tachometer Custom Visual, Azure Active Directory Content Pack, ZynBit using Power BI Embedded) – SQL Server (CTP 1.2 Available)
There has been some great activity this past week in the world of Business Intelligence and here are the updates. Power BI – Tachometer Custom Visual As you can see from the image above, there is a new Custom Visual that has been added called the Tachometer. This is a great visual when you want to use it to easily…
Power BI – How to Filter Slicers dynamically
I had a requirement where I had a related table (or dimension table) in which was used as a slicer. But when it was changed to a slicer it was showing all the values in the related table, even if there was no data. So below I show and explain how to overcome this and show how to filter a slicer…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (Email Subscriptions, New APIs for Custom Visuals, Accounts Receivable Solution Template for SAP, Help Improve Direct Query) – SQLBI (Vertipaq Analyzer 1.7) – SQL Server (Power BI Reports in Technical Preview, Getting Started with Technical Preview of Power BI Reports)
It appears that we are now getting back into the swing of things, and this means more updates and additions to the Business Intelligence World. Power BI – Email Subscriptions This was a feature that I know I have personally been waiting for as well as a lot of other people. And yes this is very basic at the moment…
Power BI – Error – Sorry, we couldn’t find that report (When opening a link from an annotated email from the Power BI Mobile App)
Today where I am contracting there was an issue when a director annotated and shared a report item from the Power BI Mobile App with a colleague (Lets call him Bob) When Bob received the email to the report, he got the following error when trying to open the link, as shown below. The interesting thing was that when I…
BI-NSIGHT – Power BI (January Desktop Release, Featured Data Stories, Mobile Phone Reports Generally Available, Embed Power BI report into Salesforce, Auditing & Assign Pro Licenses with PowerShell
I cannot believe that 2017 is already where and straight out of the blocks we have already got some new features and changes to play with. So let’s get into it and I have a feeling that this is the year that Power BI is going to dominate and become one of the leaders in the Self Service Data Analytics…