Power BI – Which tables and columns are being used the most in Power BI Premium/Premium Per User

I was reading through the blog post Announcing on-demand loading capabilities for large models in Power BI and I got a thought would it not be great to better understand which columns and tables are being used in my Power BI Premium/Premium per user datasets? To do this, using the new DMV I could now look at the temperature of…

Using the Power BI Async REST API to refresh a partition with Power Automate (Using an HTTPS URL)

Welcome to 2022, I am looking forward to an awesome year ahead! With the new awesome feature of now being able to use the Asynchronous refreshing with Power BI Premium/Premium per user I wanted to see if it was possible to use Power Automate to automate the process (Obviously). My goal was to be able to refresh an individual partition…

Power BI Premium/Premium Per User – Automating Processing of historical partitions

I recently had a big challenge with one of my customers where due to the sheer volume of data and network connectivity speed I was hitting the 5-hour limit for processing of data into my premium per user dataset. My solution was to change the partitions from monthly to daily. And then once I have all the daily partitions merge…

How to resolve error when deploying changes to Power BI Premium Per User for Incremental partitions

I have been doing a lot of work recently using Power BI Premium Per User and recently I got the following error below when trying to update my fact table in Power Query. “An unexpected error occurred (file ‘tmsavepoint.cpp’, line 1503, function ‘TMSavePoint::GetProxyImpl’)” This is what the actual error looks like. This is rather a confusing error and it can…