Power BI – Which tables and columns are being used the most in Power BI Premium/Premium Per User
I was reading through the blog post Announcing on-demand loading capabilities for large models in Power BI and I got a thought would it not be great to better understand which columns and tables are being used in my Power BI Premium/Premium per user datasets? To do this, using the new DMV I could now look at the temperature of…
How to use the Power BI Embedded Playground
One of the great things about Power BI is how they make things a lot easier and better to use. I have been answering some questions in the Power BI Community and other people have been looking into using Power BI Embedded. This led me to find out that there is a quick and easy way to test out Power…
Using the Power BI Async REST API to refresh a partition with Power Automate (Using an HTTPS URL)
Welcome to 2022, I am looking forward to an awesome year ahead! With the new awesome feature of now being able to use the Asynchronous refreshing with Power BI Premium/Premium per user I wanted to see if it was possible to use Power Automate to automate the process (Obviously). My goal was to be able to refresh an individual partition…
Power BI Premium/Premium Per User – Automating Processing of historical partitions
I recently had a big challenge with one of my customers where due to the sheer volume of data and network connectivity speed I was hitting the 5-hour limit for processing of data into my premium per user dataset. My solution was to change the partitions from monthly to daily. And then once I have all the daily partitions merge…
How did I keep my Power BI dataset measures documented and up to date?
One thing that often happens is when users are using a dataset, they want to know which measures are available. And not only that sometimes they want to know the measure definition. This got me thinking and how best could I give this to the users in my organization to be able to find this information quickly and easily. In…
Creating Power BI Premium Per User or Premium Partitions with Tabular Editor
What I find I wanted to do with a new PPU Dataset with incremental partitions is I did not want to wait for the PBI Service to complete this. The reason is that very often there are issues, and it takes a long time to complete. I wanted to have the control where I can process the partitions as I…
I cannot connect to Azure Storage to back up my Power BI Premium Per User/Premium
What I did learn when working through the blog post is that I ran into some errors when trying to re-connect or trying to connect to the Azure Storage in my Premium App Workspace and it failed. The errors that I got were, “We couldn’t connect to Azure, but it’s likely temporary. Try again later or see details.” Below is…
Steps on how I backed up my Power BI Premium Per User / Premium Database
Continuing with my series of using Power BI Premium Per User (PPU), today I am going to show you how to back up your PPU database. As far as I am aware all the options below will work for Power BI Premium as well. To me this is critical when my dataset size grows. Especially when it takes multiple days…
How to resolve error when deploying changes to Power BI Premium Per User for Incremental partitions
I have been doing a lot of work recently using Power BI Premium Per User and recently I got the following error below when trying to update my fact table in Power Query. “An unexpected error occurred (file ‘tmsavepoint.cpp’, line 1503, function ‘TMSavePoint::GetProxyImpl’)” This is what the actual error looks like. This is rather a confusing error and it can…
Creating “Read” permissions on reports & datasets (Allowing to view datasets from remote apps)
I was recently doing some testing with regards to permissions on datasets in the Power BI Service, and I came across two things. First, was that I found I could create access to a dataset where the user’s permission was “Read” I subsequently found that when a user has read permissions to a dataset, they can access it even if…