Logging (Datasets, users & query performance) – Part 6 – Migration AAS to PPU
Another important aspect when having datasets is being able to log and monitor performance. In this blog post I am going to compare the logging between Azure Analysis Services (AAS) and Power BI Premium Per User (PPU).
With the recent release of PPU having integration with Log Analytics it makes it a lot easier to compare the logging options between AAS and PPU.
Here are the previous 4 blog posts that I have completed in the series.
2 – Scalability – Part 2 Migrating AAS to PPU – Reporting/Analytics Made easy with FourMoo and Power BI
If you are looking for the Power BI Report Template, recently released for PPU Log Analytics here is the link below.
AAS – Logging
When using AAS it can be configured to have all the logs sent to Log Analytics. This allows me an easy way to query all the logging information from one central location.
Typically, I look at the following logging for AAS Datasets below.
As you can see, I have created these reports using Power BI. This allows me to get daily subscriptions of my reports to see how the different logging aspects I am interested in are performing.
- Memory & QPU usage
- Long running queries
- Number of users running queries
There are other queries depending on the requirements, but these ones are my standard set that I start out with.
PPU – Logging
Now when looking to get similar information from in the logs sent to Log Analytics from PPU, with the new features enabled I can get the following data.
- Long running queries
- Number of users running queries
Because PPU is using shared resources it is not possible as far as I know to get the Memory & QPU usage.
Log Analytics Power BI Report
If you are interested, please find the Log Analytics PBIT file that I created for you to connect to your log analytics workspace to get the same queries and data.
FourMoo – PPU LD Performance.pbit
In this blog post I have shown the different logging and what those differences are when comparing AAS to PPU.
The gap keeps on closing, and I am sure that over time there will be more details sent through to log analytics from PPU App Workspaces, which will make reporting that much easier.
If there are any comments or suggestions, please leave them in the section below.
Thanks for reading!