In this quick blog post I am going to show how to turn off or disable having the dialog
box which pops
up when using Native Database Queries.

This can sometimes be an extra step on something that you have to action when refreshing your data either in the Query Editor or in Power BI Desktop.

NOTE: I was often prompted with the following below for EACH native database query.

As you can see below this is typically what would happen if I ran a native database query

  • I would first get the yellow car asking for permissions to run the native database query.
  • Then once I clicked Edit Permission I then got the following Window, showing me the query that is going to be run.
  • Once I click Run it would then run the query.
  • So this can be time consuming especially if I had multiple queries.

How to turn off or disable the Native Database Queries

In the steps below I will show how to easily turn (Disable) the native database queries

NOTE: I could complete the steps below from either being in the Query Editor or within Power BI Desktop.

  • Click on File and then Options and settings and then Options
  • Then under GLOBAL I clicked on Security
  • Then in the Security settings at the top it has got a section which says Native Database Queries you will see an option.
    • And there is a tick
      next to “Require user approval for new native database queries
    • I removed the tick.
  • Then click

Now I went back and ran my native database query and it simply
ran with no requests to Edit Permissions or to Run the query.


I have shown how to disable the native database queries which not only helps when I am developing but also assists me when my Power BI Desktop file is refreshing.